Donnerstag, 11:00 – 12:30, Loft B

  1. Ulrike Engeln. Hamburg University of Technology
    “Code Smell Detection using Features from Version History”

  2. Robin Kimmel. University of Stuttgart
    Large Language Models for Engineering Web Applications

  3. Nathan Hagel. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Containerized Software Architectures using Palladio

  4. Maximilian Krebs. Technische Universität Dortmund
    Prädiktive, statische Energieverbrauchsanalyse basierend auf experimentell ermittelten Energiemodellen”

  5. Thomas Larcher. University of Innsbruck
    CORE: Code Once, Run Everywhere. Engineering Serverless Workflow Applications with High-Level of Abstraction”

  6. Jingxi Zhang. University of Stuttgart
    Towards the Transformation of heterogeneous Language Components”

  7. Niklas Krieger. University of Stuttgart
    “HyLiMo: A Textual DSL and Hybrid Editor for Efficient Modular Diagramming”